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Does IV Hydration Cure Hangovers?

The majority of adults have experienced hangovers, one of the more unpleasant consequences of having too much fun. You may have heard of home treatments for hangovers, but have you heard of IV hydration? Keep reading to find about what it is and how it may alleviate hangovers.

Vitamin B-12


Lance Bogrol

Published on Oct 28th, 2022

What is a Hangover?

What, precisely, is a hangover? After a night of drinking, you may recognize it best by the following symptoms: weariness, dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, headaches, and sensitivity to loud noises or bright lights.

Many of these symptoms result from dehydration caused by drinking. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it increases the frequency of urination. If you simply consume alcoholic beverages, you are not replacing the fluid you lose, and the alcohol will have a greater impact on you.

What is a Hydration IV?

IV treatment is a tried-and-true method of administering essential nutrients to patients. IVs are used to provide medication, drinks, and vitamins in hospitals. An IV is the quickest way for these substances to enter the body, making it a great treatment for a hangover.

How Does a Hydration IV Work for a Hangover?

Hydration IVs, often known as vitamin IVs, alleviate hangovers in two primary methods.

As stated previously, dehydration is one of the primary causes of a hangover. A rehydration IV will refill lost fluids and restore your usual state of health.

A hydration Typical intravenous solutions include water, electrolytes, vitamins, and antioxidants. B1, B12, calcium, zinc, and folic acid are common vitamins and minerals. Because alcohol can prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals by the digestive system, extra vitamins are required. Introducing them directly into your system via IV will expedite your recovery. The electrolytes aid in the elimination of nausea, while the antioxidants cleanse the liver.

Why Choose a Hydration IV?

If an IV solution contains water, vitamins, and electrolytes, why not just take a vitamin with Gatorade? You could, but the greatest advantage of an IV is the quickness with which it expedites your recovery. Because the components are sent directly into your veins, you will receive the advantages much more quickly than if you waited for your digestive system to break down and absorb the necessary nutrients.

Overall, a hydration IV is a superior method for eliminating a hangover than sipping water in bed all day.